YogaSoul One Year Anniversary Celebration

Self-care is one of the easiest and most important acts of cancer and disease prevention. Yoga, exercise, and meditation are a huge part of my everyday life. The gym and yoga studio are my place of refuge. I feel the happiest, most alive, and free when I’m sweating it out to good music (especially when I’m with my good friends).

I am honored to have the opportunity to showcase and sell my jewelry at YogaSoul’s One Year Anniversary celebration. In one year, YogaSoul has changed the lives and improved the health and wellbeing of so many individuals. I hope that they continue to touch people’s lives and expand their yoga community for many more years!

Bonded Forever will be donating a portion of its proceeds to Get Your Rear in Gear during February and March. Please shop to support!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

by Cassandra Hoo on February 13, 2014

Posted in: News/Events

Celebrate the Cancer Warriors in your Life This Valentine's Day!

Bonded Forever’s unique design scheme is all about creating a special bond and supportive network.  Although originally designed for cancer warriors and their supporters, the gift sets can serve as a thoughtful present for friends, family members, and loved ones for any special occasion.  Whenever I wear my Bonded Forever jewelry, I always think about the other people who have a matching or complimentary piece and feel a great sense of comfort.  Whether they are near or far, I can feel their presence and think positive thoughts about them.

Tell someone that you love them by buying a Bonded Forever gift set today.  During the month of February and March, Bonded Forever will be donating a portion of the proceeds to Get Your Rear in Gear.  Shop to support!

Ponoko Blog Article Feature - February 3, 2014

Bonded Forever’s manufacturer, Ponoko, just released a featured article about Bonded Forever on their blog today. Ponoko is a wonderful creative hub for so many talented artists and DIYers. I’m always amazed by all of the beautiful designs that people are able to create through Ponoko.  Therefore, to be considered worthy of a mention is quite the honor! Please read the article and pass it along to all of your family and friends!

SHOP TO SUPPORT: A portion of the proceeds from every sale will be donated to Get Your Rear in Gear during February and March!

Get Your Rear in Gear 2014

I am so excited to be running 4 miles in honor of my mother at this year’s Get Your Rear in Gear – Philadelphia. She bravely and triumphantly fought Stage IV Metastatic Colon Cancer several years ago and has luckily been cancer free for 2.5 years (which is a medical miracle). I participated in GYRIG Philly’s 2013 event for the first time last year and proudly trained and survived the 10k run. I have never run that far or trained so hard in my life. Running through the beautiful city streets of Philadelphia during training was so exhilarating. However, my mind loved the experience much more than my feet and knees did!

Although the run is much shorter this year, I am going to still train hard and try to get my minute/mile time down from last year. Unfortunately, training outside in the winter is going to be a challenge this year (the Polar Vortex is intense!). However, any pain and suffering that I might endure will not hold a candle to what my mother went through. She never let cancer defeat her will and spirit. I will try to not let this unbearable cold hinder my performance and drive.

My mother was treated at the Pennsylvania Hospital and the Joan Karnell Cancer Center in Philadelphia. The surgeons, doctors, and nurses that cared after my mother were all amazing and I truly thank them for helping my mother beat cancer. I am thrilled that the money raised for the Philadelphia Get Your Rear In Gear event will be benefiting the local community where my mother received her treatment, because I hope that everyone will be able to have the same type of stellar medical care. Her miraculous story was featured in the article that I wrote for Get Your Rear in Gear’s Faces of Blue series. Please click here to read it.

Last year, I was amazed by the outpouring of support that I received at the exercise related events that I organized at Gratitude Yoga, Dig Yoga, and T Cycle X!  In just several months, Team Bonded Forever managed to raise $1,435.00! I hope I can match or beat the amount this year! I have some exciting fundraising events coming up in February.  Stay tuned!

During the month of February and March, Bonded Forever will be donating a portion of its proceeds to Get Your Rear in Gear Philadelphia.  Please shop to support!

If you would like to make a donation directly, please go to Bonded Forever’s GYRIG Team Page.

Happy New Year!

by Cassandra Hoo on January 1, 2014

Posted in: News/Events

Happy New Year 2014

Bonded Forever wishes you a very Happy New Year!  May 2014 be filled with lots of love, happiness, and good health!

Merry Christmas!

by Cassandra Hoo on December 25, 2013

Posted in: News/Events

Merry Christmas

Have a magical Christmas evening with your family and friends!

Happy Holidays!

by Cassandra Hoo on December 25, 2013

Posted in: News/Events

Bonded Forever Wishes You A Happy Holiday!

Bonded Forever hopes that you have a wonderful holiday season with all of your loved ones.  Cheers!

Brrrr… It’s Cold Outside!

by Cassandra Hoo on December 10, 2013

Posted in: News/Events

When It's Cold Outside...

It’s freezing and snowing in Philadelphia today.  Celebrate a beautiful cold and snowy day by cozying up with the ones that you cherish most. Drinking hot chocolate or tea is also highly recommended!

Bonded Forever’s Resilient Warriors Gift Set and United Warriors Gift Set both exemplify the energetic and warming bond of hugging someone closely. Both gift sets make absolutely wonderful gifts for the holidays.

Bonded Forever Resilient Warriors Gift Set

Resilient Warriors Gift Set – $60

Bonded Forever United Warriors Gift Set

United Warriors Gift Set – $60

Craft Show at the Headhouse Cafe

by Cassandra Hoo on December 3, 2013

Posted in: News/Events

Headhouse Cafe Craft Show December 2013

Bonded Forever will be selling jewelry at The Headhouse Cafe on 12/6/13.  Celebrate First Friday, socialize, be entertained, and buy holiday gifts your loved ones all at once! Visit the show’s Facebook Event Page to learn more.

Browse Bonded Forever’s online store to preview what will on sale at the event (and/or do some quality online shopping).  Free shipping on orders over $60 ends on 12/3/13.

Free shipping on orders $60 and up